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Your Journey Begins Here.

Before Joining TGA, Our Students Didn't Know Much About Emerging Technologies, Sciences, And Coding. We Train Them To Learn How To Make An Impact And Unlock Their Full Potential.

Meet Destiny Hope


I Joined TGA Because I admired the evolution of new technological innovations and I needed a skill which could give me a broad idea on how the tech world looks like.
Meet Joshua

"We Wanted To Build What We Wish We Had Growing Up."

Hello, I'm Joshua Ajiboye. A senior cupcake, lifelong learner and Software Engineer. Prior to my current decorations, I was a tech dreamer and software junkie. My fateful meeting with Techgen Africa was in my 2nd year in the University of Lagos. I'm currently a software engineer(Android developer) with a UK firm and a very huge part of my current expertise is owed to Techgen Africa's Innovation class who introduced and taught me mobile development. Interfacing with fellow learners was an expected silver lining to our upward learning curve. Thank you Techgen Africa, I'm forever grateful for the opportunity provided!
Meet Delana

"I See TGA As A Wonderful Opportunity Which Iā€™m Thankful For."

I joined TGA as a 12 year old newbie who loves technology and trying new things. well, I never thought I could catch up but then during the whole bootcamp I felt a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. It improved my problem identification and problem solving skills which helped in creating innovative and creative solutions towards what was identified.

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